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*+* Weet Weel *+*
*+* Nice wee dolliez too ! *+*

*+* Always Love You *+*
*+* I loved you once... You loved me not... I loved you twice... But then I thought... You never loved me...
You never will... But even so ... I love you still. *+*
*+* Imagine *+*
*+* I always imagine your gentle touch if only you knew I felt this much not being with you I'm falling apart cuz I don't know how to get to your heart if you could only see the love in my eyes of all those nights I sat and cried just look at me I'm standing here just call out my name and I'll be there how long the wait, I don't know when that day comes I'll let it show if only you knew my feelings for you I'll stay hopeful you'll feel the same way too *+*
*+* My B.F *+*
*+* Holy mother, full of grace Bless my boyfriend's gorgeous face Bless his hair that tends to curl Keep him safe from all the girls Bless his arms that are so strong Keep his hands where they belong Bless his dick, the one i sucked Bless the bed, in which we fucked And if my Mom happened to walk in Bless the shit I'd be in. *+*