*+* Good sites *+*
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Sites tae visit !
*+* This is mostly ma pals sites that ur good !!! *+*

Xoxo Other Good Sites oxoX
*+* John1z Site *+* *+* Ma bud John1z site ...Good Site ... lol Good pic ae ma buddy Boab on it ! *+*
*+* Sarah's Site *+* *+* Gd wee site ...pics of ppl fae bishy *+*
*+* Aimi's Site *+* *+* Aimi's wee site gd wee pics of ppl !!! *+*
*+* Sarah P's Site *+* *+* The Auchy Angels Site :D Gd wee site !!! *+*
*+* Keri's Site *+* *+* Wee Keri Lyons site helfy pic n other shit !! *+*
*+* Boab & Craigs Site *+* *+* Aw ma 2 buds site lol its ded gd acually well dun boys ! *+*
*+* Sean & Ryans Site *+* *+* Sean n Ryan wee site its gd !!! *+*
*+* Lizzies Site *+* *+* Ma wee doll Lizzies site ded gd hunners ae gd pics !!! *+*
*+* Jade's Site *+* *+* Ma hunni Jades site .. its a gr8 wee site millions ae pics and other gd stuff *+*

*+* Toni + McVey *+*