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*+* Dollz *+*

*+* Pics of Dolls *+*

*+* Hash Leaf *+*
*+* This is a cool we hash leaf man !! *+*
*+* The Lovely Couple *+*
*+* This is Claire n Boab awww int it cute ;) they huv been goin oot since bout the 4th ae May *+*
*+* Wee Menchie Hing *+*
*+* A jis made this wee menchie n liked it so I fought id be nice n share it way yes ;) *+*
*+* Hash Doll *+*
*+* Well this yin disny mind me ae any of ma lassie pals but c if it wis a boy a cood hink ae a few ppl this cood be :P but anyways she is cute *+*
*+* Towel Doll *+*
*+* Wee cute dolly jis oota the shower aw nice n clean she betta wotch he towel disny fall but !!! *+*
*+* Aw The Crew *+*
*+* 1,2 were naw the Auchy without the CREW :P !!! *+*
*+* Wee Sexy Couple*+*
*+* Awwwwwwwwwww these too r aw cute n in love well since me n Johnny already huv a dolly this can be Boab & Claire *+*